Royal & Select Masters

The Grand Council of the Order of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales
and its Districts and Councils Overseas


RSM Jones 300The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas was formally constituted on 29 July 1873 by four Councils chartered just two years earlier by the Grand Council of New York.

They organised themselves into a Sovereign body under the Patronage of the Rev. Canon G.R. Portal, a Past Grand Master of Mark Master Masons, who was Installed as the Grand Master of the Order. By the turn of the century there were twenty seven Councils and a similar number Consecrated by the end of the second world war. The Order then grew rapidly with the number on the Roll at the end of 2013 being over 250 Councils.

The Degrees in the Order - four in total - are often referred to as the 'Cryptic Degrees', and the Order sometimes as 'Cryptic'. The ceremonies complete the Solomonic legend as they prove the essential link between the Degrees of Mark Mason, the Raising in Craft, and The Royal Arch.

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2024 04 16 Grand Council RSM 061

On Tuesday, 16 April, the Grand Temple at the Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London, saw in excess of 400 Companions of the Royal and Select Masters join the annual meeting of Grand Council 2024. Taking centre stage was the new Ark of the Covenant which was dedicated at the special Sesquicentenary meeting last October.

The meeting was presided over by Grand Master, M.Ill.Comp. Kessick John Jones, IX, in his usual warm and welcoming manner.

After the initial business of Grand Council had been completed the Deputy Grand Master, R.Ill.Comp. His Hon. Ian Alexander, KC, IX, gave a heartfelt proposition of the re-election of the Grand Master which was seconded by R.Ill.Comp. Lt Cdr John Chambers, P.G.P.C.W., acting as G.P.CW. This was received with due acclamation.

The Grand Master gave a brief response to his re-election before turning his attention to the Deputy Grand Master, who was occupying the chair for the last time.

The Grand Master paid a warm and sincere tribute to his Deputy, thanking him for his years of dedicated service and wise counsel.

Then came the installation of R.Ill.Comp. Paul Anthony Norman, IX, as Dep.G.M., and the installation of R.Ill.Comp. Norman Dunkeld Millburn, IX, as G.P.C.W.

This being achieved, the Grand Master was delighted to confer Appointment to, or Promotion in, Grand Rank, on 147 Brethren and invest those present.

The Grand Master then gave his address (follow link below) and was then extremely pleased to welcome representatives from around the World, including: France, South and East Caribbean, South East Asia, Florida, India, Sri Lanka, Finland and Belgium. As well as the heads of other Masonic Orders who were attending to give their usual support to the meeting.

Thank you to all those who made such an effort to be present and make it a special occasion for their Companions and friends receiving Grand Rank. Our congratulations to all the recipients. We hope you had a very enjoyable day.

You can read the text of the Grand Masters address here.

You can access all the photos from here

Click here to get a taste of what it was like at the R.S.M. Grand Council 2024


M.Ill.Comp. Kessick J. Jones, IX
Grand Master

R.Ill.Comp. Paul A. Norman, IX
Deputy Grand Master

R.Ill.Comp. Norman D Milburn, IX
Grand Principal Conductor of the Work